Thursday 1 December 2011

Relationship marketing for lawyers...more perspiration than inspiration

Today's thought on the value of perspiration in relationship marketing arises out of the happy event of today confirming an engagement to do a KMSPractice Health Report, and to thereafter facilitate a planning retreat, for a new Brisbane client...taking the firms we've consulted to since the inception of KMS nearly twenty-four years ago to the minor milestone of 1200...

Key contacts in this new client firm have been receiving newsletters and educational email material from us for the whole period of our existence, and over those years partners and key members of the management team from time to time have attended KMS seminars, workshops, and conference sessions addressed by your blog correspondent.

Recently the circumstances arose where the firm was ready for some specific assistance, and the relationship established long ago, and maintained ever since, led to KMS being approached to discuss how we might assist.

The marketing tools used to establish and maintain the relationship are not founded in "rocket science" inspiration, rather in commonsense helpfulness with information flow relevant to law firm management, and proven communication systems that allow the perspiration to be kept to a reasonable level.

There are obvious lessons in taking the long term view of relationship marketing for law professionals, who hold a massive amount of information potentially valuable to clients, prospects, contacts, referrers and gate-keepers in their own worlds...

Many senior practitioners fully understand the value of relationships, but I still encounter far too many younger practitioners who are disappointed if their wonderfully inspirational marketing ideas do not generate virtually immediate results in terms of new files opened.

Today's thoughts point to the very essence of a relationship...'tis far more than a one-night stand...

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