Thursday, 29 November 2018

Very privileged to be asked to join an impressive list of 12 speakers at the inaugural Small Law Industry Summit in Sydney on Thursday 14 March, 2019.
Full day Agenda can be found at
Incredible value at just $86.36 plus GST for Early Bird registration, with 6 CPD points available, and 50% of ticket sales go to a very worthy charity.
"The Small Law Industry Summit will convene some of the legal community’s most prominent thought leaders to discuss key issues of leadership, risk mitigation, practice management and innovation, high-performance cultures and the fundamental role of technology in shaping the future of the legal profession. Takeaways and extensive networking opportunities from each session can be applied to the challenges and opportunities you face within your team, your firm and the industry".

Monday, 26 November 2018

Two short articles in Australasian Law Management Journal on managing the small practice

I’m very much enjoying writing a series of short articles for “The Australasian Law Management Journal”, aimed at the Principals, and other managers, of the smaller law firm.

The Journal is a publication of Law Management Hub, an initiative of a committee of the Legal Practice Section of the Law Council.

The Law Council of Australia represents the Australian legal profession on national and international issues, on federal law and the operation of federal courts and tribunals.  It works for the improvement of the law and of the administration of justice, and represents 65,000 Australian lawyers through their bar associations and law societies and Law Firms Australia.

The first two articles were published in October and November 2018, and can be found at these links: