A couple of small "heads-up" today...
Voice recognition for activity capture...For all those of you smart enough to fully understand the value of tracking how you spend your valuable time...some practice management software now has options or add-ons of a voice recognition feature. This may well assist a lot of busy lawyers with fuller activity capture...
Voice recognition for your smart phone...Lawyers have been using software like DragonDictate for years...and perhaps not enough...despite the software getting better and better.
Now that there are cheap Apps for smart phones, voice recognition is a very practical tool for the right situations where other forms of communication are not as suitable...if at all...
In the car, waiting outside court, when you are in a meeting and need something done urgently...speak a short message to your phone...review the resulting text on screen and send it off...
There is a lot of technology around today for smart lawyers to utilise on a horses for courses basis...
Use technology thoughtfully...Always keep in mind that a lawyer's biggest asset is their brain...what's in it and how it works...just make sure you don't slow it down in a failed attempt to use technology to be effective...
If you get seriously into typing you are operating at the opposite end of the scale to where your brain should be being applied...
Drafting may well be a totally different process of course...remember those different horses and courses!

Rob Knowsley LLB...lawyer, management consultant, motivational speaker, educator, dedicated to applying 48 years professional and business experience to help determined lawyers get the most from their skills. Established KMS 34 years ago...now advised 1380 Australasian law firms. Available to assist a select group of small firm lawyers serious about true excellence in their firms. Email...rknowsley@gmail.com or find me on Linkedin.
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