Monday, 31 October 2011

Key Practice Management and Business Skills

Key Practice Management and Business Skills
Rob Knowsley LL.B MIMC
Principal Consultant
Knowsley Management Services (KMS)
Central West Law Society Annual CLE 2009
Bathurst, Friday, 20 November 2009

For today’s session we have an hour, including time for questions, so attendees will appreciate that I have needed to choose just three skills I consider particularly important to concentrate on today. There are many others, but during my 35-plus years since admission, and experiences with 1127 firms, I’ve formed the view that these are critical to the success of most practices, and badly handled in most too!

KMS ProfitPower Tips for Lawyers 31.10.11

PPTip # Out-sourcing (overseas and within Australia) of legal support services is proceeding apace...while many of the big firms are involved to reduce costs and ensure that the availability of labour during ups and downs of the business cycle is not their problem, there is plenty of scope for small firms to get their toe in the water in this regard too...