Monday, 14 November 2011

Developing the level playing field for legal practices...Letters Archive

July 1997 page 4

A game full of snakes, but no ladders

By Rob Knowsley
SIR: The short article entitled "Compensation Legal Costs Spotlighted", in the May 1997 edition of theLaw Society Journal highlights issues raised by the Parliamentary Committee on Reforms to the Motor Accident legislation.
The CEO, Mark Richardson, drew attention to some of the views expressed during the hearing.
It appears from many of the views expressed during the hearing that the determination of those who have a say in these matters for lawyers to face a level playing field with other business operations does not extend to lawyers being able to charge reasonable fees for reasonable work.

Billable Hours: Strategy and outcomes for full time recording...Articles Archive

November 1998 page 47

Billable Hours: Strategy and outcomes for full time recording

By Rob Knowsley
Rob Knowsley has been a practising solicitor and, since 1988, has been engaged exclusively in consulting in the legal profession.
FAR TOO MANY SOLICITORS FIND THAT THE ONLY way they can produce decent revenues is by working unacceptably long hours with the consequent loss in quality of life.
This is a mistake, based, in my opinion, on a fundamental flaw in the traditional method of looking at solicitor productivity which seems to be that a firm expects a solicitor to achieve a certain number of billable hours. The solicitor is then expected to work whatever hours are needed to achieve the billable hours stipulated.

What is effective advertising? Letters Archive

Advertising workers comp services

By Rob Knowsley, Sydney
SIR: Nick Meagher wrote in his "President's Message" in your May 2001 issue about the fight against changes to worker' compensation.
I note he proudly advises that, "The Law Society of NSW, Injuries Australia and the Australian Association of Surgeons have rolled-out a state-wide TV and print advertising campaign, one which features injured dummies, (symbolic of how the Government is treating injured workers) who won't get any compensation".

Thursday, 10 November 2011

What a lawyer principal should earn

Followers of my thinking over a reasonable period of time will be very aware of my argument that most lawyer principals do not make anything like the rewards they should be entitled to…
My experience across Australasia consistently demonstrates this sad reality, and quality law firm surveys pinpoint the numbers year in year out…
Many principals make little more than a decent salary…and far too many not even that!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Business Coaches for Lawyers

Recently I had the pleasure of chatting on the phone with a lawyer who had contacted me after doing a lot of on-line research.

Many things were discussed relating to the failure of his practice to produce much in profit and its poor cashflows...

One very interesting fact emerged.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Top Billing Tips For Lawyers

Short post as a result of frustration again at reading comments on lawyers' billing that are overly simplistic.

There is no single correct way for lawyers to bill...

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Law firm profit less work more pay

A couple of thoughts for today…I trust you find them of interest and some stimulation.